Dec 27, 2007

My soul is grateful today...

For my family. For the beautiful misfits we are; and how we all just fit together no matter where we're at in our lives. The undercurrent of love and this unbreakable bond we have. I'm grateful for my mother's way of listening to my exhausted, spread thin emotions. Her way of making me feel like I'm really "okay" for the moment. What a gift she is in my life. And whoever reads this, you might think I'm just an overly-affectionate daughter, but I'm really not. It's just truth that she is my light, my friend, my strength. Always has been, and always will.

1 comment:

S.Morgan said...

How much I needed to hear from someone today that I have some worth. Holidays are difficult. Megan is the ONE who blesses my life. This year has been stress just as any other, but it seems like I've got angry over it again, instead of just taking it with grace, and it's Megan whom I yell all my anger at. Maybe because I feel like I'll explode, and she's the only one who listens, does not take it personally, is not ever afraid of the pain, and continues to love me unconditionally. Would that I could give her a mansion in Italy, or a secured place next to God in the Celestial Kingdom where she would be safe and secure forever. If I had a magic wand, I'd wave her to Camelot, where she'd rule with grace and love. Though I hope I never butt in to her life, I also hope we are never far apart, because just seeing her face sometimes is enough to save my day.